Air Pollution Issues

Devizes suffers from major traffic congestion.  Air pollution at seven monitoring points around the town record levels of polluting nitrogen dioxide above the maximum allowed by law.
Pollution from road traffic is harmful to health, particularly for those suffering from respiratory and cardiac diseases. In recent months more evidence of the damage done to health has come to light.  You can read what Parliament's Air Quality Enquiry produced
Prodded by the Trust, Wilshire Coucil has set up a Working Group to produce proposals for reducing pollution.  Information has improved with a dedicated website which publishes current pollution levels.  However, to date, there is very little evidence of real progress towards reducing the harmful fumes..
Meanwhile traffic levels continue to increase as more and more homes are built.
The Trust says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
We want Wiltshire Council's planners to take more account of the increase in pollution resuting from new homes built along the London Road to Bath Road corridor and encourage developments in other parts of the town..We are pleased to see that the emerging Neighbourhood Plan embraces this policy and look forward to it being adopted. In the meantime the Trust will continue to oppose unsuitable developments.

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