Our Achievements
The Trust has been active since it was founded in 1967after access to the Crammer was threatened. Here are just a few of the things we have achieved that have benefited the town: -
- We played a leading part in the rejection of the originally proposed link road which would have threatened Great Porch House.
We rescued 16th century buildings in St. John’s Alley from dry rot by repair works and organising grants.
We assisted in the restoration of the operating mechanism for the Estcourt Fountain;
We helped prevent the demolition of old buildings at the Wharf, now restored to use, including the Wharf Theatre and Kennet and Avon Canal Trust Centre;
We provided a replica lanterns for the Shambles covered market and a vintage lamp post in the Little Brittox;
We produced the Town Trail visitors' guide to sites of note, which is used as a model by other towns;
We provided Blue Heritage Plaques for the most notable buildings in the Town;
We planted numerous mature trees including those at The Green, Market Place pavements, Central Car Park, Albion Place and the Canal Wharf.
We arranged for the fixing of a plaque commemorating the first ever commercial telephone in Britain on the Cheltenham and Gloucester building.
We have influenced countless planning applications within the conservation area and have been influential in preventing undesirable development in numerous instances.
We led the campaign to reduce air pollution in the town centre, a task which has now been taken over by a working group representing all major stakeholders, including the Trust..have played a leading role in opposing unsuitable developments,