The world's biggest coffee morning!
An Invitation to The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning
Wiltshire Buildings Record Annual Study Day
This year’s Wiltshire Buildings Record Annual Study Day - ‘Inns, Alehouses and Taverns’ - will be exploring the subject of places for drinking and hospitality
Wiltshire Council proposes parking increase
Wiltshire Council proposes car parking increase
The future of Devizes Wharf
People are being invited to a series of events to talk about the future of Devizes Wharf and the possible development opportunities.
Prizes handed out for essay competition
The prizes for the three winners of the essay competition were given out at the end of year assembly on July 21st.
Heritage Open Day - 9th September 2017
Devizes joins in again with this nationwide event.
Draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan- Consultation
Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet, on 20 June, approved the draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan for consultation to commence in July. The draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan Document, has been prepared in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy.
New Town Trail selling well
The Town Trail is for sale in the Museum and shops around town and is selling well
New Gallery being created at Wiltshire Museum
The Wiltshire Museum is creating a new Special Exhibition gallery that will be suitable to take exhibitions from National Museums
New Town Trail to be launched soon!
The Town Trail has had a makeover.
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