Trust writes to Danny Kruger, MP
Posted by Philippa Morgan on 17 April 2021
The Trust has sent the following letter to Danny Kruger, MP
"Dear Mr Kruger
I am writing to you in my capacity as Honorary Secretary of the Trust for Devizes.
I understand that you had a Zoom meeting recently with the Wiltshire Area Local Plan Alliance so you will be fully aware of the issues which are of concern as far as Local and Neighbourhood Planning are concerned. I would like to share with you the particular concerns of the Trust for Devizes.
I attach for your information the Trust's response to Wiltshire Council's recent consultation. .The Trust suggest that there are three priorities which will be crucial to the future quality and liveability of Devizes, and they are likely to apply to a greater or lesser extent to all the towns and villages in the county. These are: the landscape and ecological setting of the town; the conservation of the historic fabric; and the design and quality of new development.
The danger of the consultation process is always that the focus will be on development sites not on the wider strategic issues. The Trust is very concerned that the Planning System should be about more than just building houses. It should also address how development fits within existing communities.
The Trustees would be very happy to discuss our concerns with you via Zoom or in person when rules permit. Please let me know when would be convenient for you.
Yours sincerely
Philippa Morgan, Honorary Secretary
Trust for Devizes"